Download the YLN Mobile Catalog App
for your phone or tablet and check your account, browse our collection, and place holds at your convenience!
Get it at Google Play for Android or the App Store for Apple!

Available in your mobile app store now!
The Yavapai Library Network online library catalog connects all the public libraries and many school libraries [both K-12 and collegiate], as well as museums, archives, and special collections across Yavapai County. Through this shared catalog, patrons have access to well over a million items, even in the smallest and most remote libraries.
With the launch of our new YLN Catalog app, patrons will have a better user experience with identical search results across web and mobile platforms. Item information is displayed clearly, so patrons can see all the available formats right away. Personalize your app by linking family accounts, customizing your browsing categories, and saving unlimited to be read (TBR) lists!
New app capabilities:
• create unlimited lists
• add and manage family accounts
• personalize browsing categories
• place, freeze, and unfreeze holds in a snap
• download eMaterials directly from the catalog
The YLN Catalog app is user friendly and customizable. Try it today! Be sure to make the switch before October 1, 2022, when the old YLN Catalog app will no longer be available.
New catalog powered by Aspen Discovery from ByWater Solutions